sabato 9 febbraio 2013

Robert Pattinson Missing The Oscars: Why He’s Skipping 2013 Awards Show

Talk about an awards season bummer! Rob’s filming obligations in Australia will be keeping him from attending the 2013 Academy Awards on Feb. 24, according to a new report! Read on for all the details.
We love it when our favorite hunk, Robert Pattinson
, is on the slate of presenters
 at an awards show — it lessens the sting from his lack of nominations! Because of this, we’re totally bummed by a new report that says Rob, 26, won’t be in attendance at the 85th Annual Academy Awards on Feb. 24!
It turns out that Rob’s obligations to his new project, The Rover, will be keeping the English hunk in the Australian outback, according to E! News’ Marc Malkin. The columnist writes, “While Pattinson fans have been hopeful that they’d see their fave star in Los Angeles for the Oscars, I’m told filming will keep him away from this year’s festivities.” Bummer!

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