venerdì 8 febbraio 2013

How Kristen Stewart Feels Closer To Robert Pattinson While He’s in Australia

Kristen has been laying low in LA while Rob has been shooting ‘The Rover’ in Australia and it turns out she’s been spending time with some best friends that are very close to Rob. Read on to find out who!
Kristen Stewart
 misses Robert Pattinson
terribly but there are some buddies of hers that are helping get through this tough time. has spoken to a source very close to K-Stew who says that she’s trying to keep busy.
What Kristen Has Been Doing During The Split
A source tells that: “Kristen has been a homebody and continues to spend most of her time with her dogs–which make her feel closer to Rob–since they are like their kids, her little brother and her mom.”
Isn’t that the sweetest thing? We told you that Kristen and Rob rescued Bear while they were shooting Breaking Dawn Part 1 together and they both take care of him.
She has also been spending a lot of time with her mom Jules Stewart!
“Kristen does enjoy cooking with her mom,” the source adds. “It’s therapeutic for her and it’s always been something that bonds them together. So I wouldn’t be surprised if they baked pies together. Jules is an excellent baker. And Kristen pretty amazing as well.”
Jules recently tweeted a pic of some pies she had baked, and we bet she made them with K-Stew!Is Kristen Dumping Rob?
We told you that we spoke to a friend
 of Kristen’s who says there’s no truth to a split.
“Kristen has absolutely no plans on breaking up with Rob. Why would she? She wants to keep their relationship going and will do whatever it takes.”
But what about the EXCLUSIVE that we broke about Rob hooking up with a girl during the summer of 2012, right after Kristen’s cheating scandal was revealed?
“Even if Rob did fool around with another person,” the source says. “This wouldn’t make Kristen want to end things.”

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